Monday, May 5, 2014

From Screen to Stage

From Screen to Stage: Dirty Dancing Live, by Millie Taylor gives an insight to the live stage performance of "Dirty Dancing."
If anyone has ever been to a live show of any sort, you will know that the actors/actress performing have practice long hard hours trying to get the performance right. It's live where audience can see so a mistake is hard to say "cut" to and start over. In Taylor's article she goes as an audience and also talks with production crew about how the show works and what happens during the performance. A lot of what happens in the actual movie, for example: the lifting of Frances in the pond, cannot be literally performed on a stage live. There has to be accommodations for the live stage performance, and the show does this by incorporating the audience. The article particularly focuses on having a connection to your audience, when the show can have a connection with the audience it makes the attention more drawn to the show instead of audience members focusing else where.
The author had mention that a lot of the audience members were 95 percent female and 5 percent male. Those 5 percent "are either manacled to their women or here by mistake"(282). I think a lot of men do not go see this movie or live on stage because it's known as a "chick flick"- a movie or show that is romantic and usually deals with a leading female character. But there is another motive men would see this movie: because of the dancing. "Dirty" dancing thus the title, shows the movement of women's body in particular that is the sex appeal of this movie and show that can be the main motive to why men see this movie or show. A leading female actress gives women the sense of empowerment from the performance and gives a sense of strength that is being influenced to women out there.
With this article it gives you an insight to the connection with the stage members and the audience members. The hard work this is put into putting on a live show and having the stress to make sure your performance goes right. Being able to see the movie and feel the emotions I feel when watching it is great. Although if I see the show live and have a connection with the actors and actresses performing would be more exquisite and interesting.

Taylor, Millie. "From Screen to Stage: Dirty Dancing Live." The Time of Our Lives: Dirty Dancing and Popular Culture. Eds. Yannis Tzioumakis and Sian Lincoln. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 2013. 281-296. 

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